A Day with "Alice the Little Welsh Engine"

26th July 2025

This year 'Alice' will be returning to star in her third "Day with Alice the Little Welsh Engine" since receiving a new boiler so come along and meet her along with 'Winifred' from Pauline Hazelwood’s beautiful children's books.


Pauline the author will be at Llanuwchllyn station reading some of the stories, demonstrating how she draws the characters and involving the children in activities as well as signing books.

Pauline Hazelwood with children on Alice Day

Find out more about these great little books at http://www.saddletankbooks.com/

'Alice' will be giving rides at Llanuwchllyn station in the special Dinorwic Quarry carriage that was once used by royal visitors and shunting slate wagons just like she did in the quarry.

'Alice' will also be double-heading the last train of the day, which departs Llanuwchllyn at 4:05pm.

Activities start at 10:30am and finish at 3:45pm.

Normal train fares apply for rides - with all additional activities included.

Timetable: blue
Llanuwchllyndep11.0012.50 2.30 4.05
Llangower / Llangywairdep11.10 1.00 2.40 4.15
Balaarr11.25 1.15 2.55 4.30
Baladep11.40 1.30 3.10 4.35
Llangower / Llangywairdep11.55 1.45 3.25 4.50
Llanuwchllynarr12.10 2.00 3.40 5.05